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Special Presentation – Cape Cod Faces the Housing Issue with Real Life Programs

February 28 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Ann Schiffenhaus, Senior Director of Corporate Gifts
Housing Assistance, Hyannis and Orleans Ma.

February 28, 2025    10:00 AM
In the Atrium, Lorusso Technology Building, Cape Cod Community College

Ann will speak to the need for affordable housing and the many programs at Housing Assistance
that help people to find and purchase housing on Cape Cod. Housing is consistently named as
a major problem on Cape Cod as it affects all who live here in multiple ways. Come and learn
about the many programs HA has to help people on Cape Cod find and afford housing.

Please contact lifelonglearning@capecod.edu to register for this important and timely event.
There is no charge for ALL members.



February 28
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Lorusso Technology Building Atrium – Cape Cod Community College
2240 Iyannough Road
Barnstable, MA 02668 United States