Discussing the Essay

 ALL1349-Z     First 6 Weeks      Mondays 12:00-1:20     Start Date 29-Jan
Zoom     Limit 15

This course discusses essays. Essays can offer opinions, impart knowledge and information, or share personal experience. This semester, we will be discussing the essays that span the time period of 1982 to 2000. The discussion of the essays revolves around considering the time period in which they were published as well as their continued relevance to today. Many of the essayists are writers you know. Class members are encouraged to summarize an essay of their choice, describe the background of its author, and lead a discussion of the essay. Two essays will be discussed each week. For the first class, read “A Drugstore in Winter” and “Okinawa: The Bloodiest Battle of All” from The Best American Essays of the Century, edited by Joyce Carol Oates and Robert Atwan, available via Amazon or Barnes & Noble. This course can be taken separately or together with the following Still Discussing the Essay course.

Text: The Best American Essays of the Century, edited by Joyce Carol Oates and Robert Atwan, available via Amazon or Barns and Noble in paperback.

Assignment: For the first class, read “A Drugstore in Winter” and “Okinawa: The Bloodiest Battle of All”


Coordinator: Brett Burgess   

Brett has been taking ALL classes for three years. He is a passionate reader, especially of the classics, and loves to discuss all genres of literature, including essays.

Coordinator: Deborah Titolo   
Deborah is a retired high school librarian who has co-led numerous classes in Global Literature at her local ALL. She has co-led the classes at the Cape ALL ‘A Different Take on American History.’ and ‘Great Decisions’. She has participated in all three previous semesters of the Essays course.