Experiencing Aging: Continuing Conversations for Women

ALL1324-Z     Second 6 Weeks        Start Date 21-Mar     Thursdays 3:00-4:20
Zoom          Limit 15

This course continues the series on aging for women. This is a discussion class, with class members receiving a weekly email containing a reading or article of interest on the topic of aging and questions for discussion. Most important are class members’ own stories about their aging experiences. We women can support, encourage and inspire each other and, most importantly, have a lot of laughs! Come to the first class prepared to introduce yourself to other class members by sharing where you are currently on your aging journey.

Text: There is no specific text for this class. Lots of different resources are drawn upon. You will also receive a bibliography of books for further reading on the topic.

Assignment: Come to the first class prepared to introduce yourself to other class members by sharing where you are currently on your path into aging. What are the satisfactions and the joys, and what are the challenges for you right now?

Coordinator: Pat Stover   

Pat Stover has been coordinating classes at ALL for over 14 years, primarily focused on women’s issues from a feminist perspective. Currently, Pat continues her fascination with aging and the support, encouragement and inspiration we women can provide for each other by sharing our own stories of aging.