French Cinema: 1970 – Today

ALL1372-Z     First 6 Weeks       Tuesdays 10:30-11:50            Start Date 10-Sep
Zoom      Limit 25

France had just come through the 1968 student protests, the dissolution of the De Gaulle Republic, and the waning of the New Wave. We will view six French movies, across each decade, to once again act as guides through the years. We will discuss social conditions, directors, actors and genres in our analysis of the movies. Participants will watch films online through streaming platforms or on DVD, and join a Zoom session for group discussions. Please watch Chloe in the Afternoon, directed by Eric Rohmer, prior to the first meeting.

Assignment: Watch Chloe in the Afternoon, directed by Eric Rohmer

Coordinator:  John Stowe     
John Stowe has had a long career in the computer industry and used movies to help see beyond the keyboard. He carried his love of movies into a study of movie history, techniques, genres and players during his retirement, particularly with foreign-language movies.