Membership Fees

The membership fee, currently $125 per person, is paid for each semester in which a member chooses to take courses. (There is an additional $5 handling fee for credit card payment.)  The fee covers membership in ALL including any combination of courses as described above plus other educational and social activities (though some events may involve an additional charge). Having been enrolled once, and even if no further fees are paid, members remain on our records for another year and will continue to receive communications. Course coordinators are not subject to the membership fee.

In keeping with the purpose of ALL, there may be circumstances where ALL grants free membership to applicants in need. Application for this assistance is made via a letter to the president of ALL, and all such information is kept strictly confidential. Classes with low enrollments may be canceled outright, in which case registered attendees will be notified. Those who registered for these courses may enroll in other courses, based on space available, or receive a refund. Refunds of membership fees are available only through the first week of class except in special circumstances and will be issued after the class registration process is completed.