The American Revolution: A Different Perspective

ALL1382-C     First 6 Weeks     Monday 9:00-10:20    Start Date 9-Sep
Grossman 106     Limit 25

The Declaration of Independence did not obtain freedom from Great Britain. Eight years of grueling warfare did. Those we esteem as the Founding Fathers were men who achieved political renown. Yet, were it not for those who faced death in the earliest days of the Revolution, the soldiers in the field, and the spies who informed them, the Declaration of Independence would have been meaningless. This course will consider forgotten heroes of the American Revolution. Assignment for the first class: google the Founding Fathers to see how many were non-politicians; without googling, name five generals in the Continental Army and two generals in the state militias; and state when the American Revolution ended.

Assignment: Google the Founding Fathers of America — how many non-politicians make the list?
Name 5 Generals in the Continental Army without googling it! (Washington does not count.)
Name 2 Generals in the state militias without googling it! (If you watched Disney as a kid you’ll probably come up with at least one name.)
When did the American Revolution end?

Coordinator: Janet Uhlar
Janet is the author of two books on forgotten heroes of the American Revolution. Her research has uncovered actions previously omitted which played a pivotal role in the war. For 20 years, Janet has spoken extensively and to a wide variety of audiences, including National Historical Parks and other national conferences.

Listen to Janet discuss her course “Whitey Bulger: Declassified”