Writing Incubator 2.0

ALL780-Z     12 Weeks     Thursdays 3:00-4:20      Start Date 12-Sep
Zoom          Limit 12

Do you want to write for others to read? Or are you writing but tentative about showing others what you have written? If you quietly say, “Yes,” this class may be for you. This longstanding ALL class has been enriched. It retains its core, which offers writers a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere to create and deepen their writing habits through weekly reading, critique, and discussion of developing writing skills. With 2.0, the course offers weekly writing prompts when “what to write” clouds your thoughts. Essay, novel, or poetry – whatever your genre – sharing your work advances your writing style and deepens the growth and knowledge of your writing skills. Share your voice in a welcoming atmosphere.

Coordinator: Maggie French
Maggie is a life coach and emerging crone. She was a financial executive in manufacturing and health care for 25 years, followed by a decade as a certified life coach in personal and professional development. The study of philosophy, its changing nature and its impact on the values of aging in our society provide Maggie with an enhanced perspective of her life as she enters elderhood. Mary Lou is a retired psychologist and long-time field naturalist who has been part of the Writing Incubator for several years, writing about nature, history and travel. She was a judge for The Golden Crown Literary Society for several years.

Coordinator: Mary Lou Heintz
Mary Lou is a retired psychologist and long-time field naturalist who has been part of the writing Incubator for several years, writing about nature history and travel. She was a judge for The Golden Crown Literary Society for several years.