Antigone: Alive!

ALL1343-C      Mondays 9:00-10:20      First 6 weeks     Start Date 29-Jan
Grossman 106      Limit 16

In this class, we will take a close look at Jean Anouilh’s brilliant modern adaptation of Sophocles’ timeless play, Antigone, written in the fifth century BCE. This version was written in Paris during the Nazi occupation and features compelling characters engaged in an eternal struggle: pragmatism vs morality; life vs death. From decisions in personal relationships to geopolitics, this conflict is central in all human decision-making. Using the tools of both theater and drama, we will take a multifaceted approach to this great work. We will use the Galantière translation of Anouilh’s Antigone. Copies are available on Amazon, although I have several copies for class use. 


Coordinator: Roger Shoemaker  


Roger has a BA in Dramatic Literature and an MFA in Directing from Catholic University. He taught theater and directed productions at Trinity College, Hartford, CT, and spent 25 years as the Dean for the Arts at Walnut Hill School for the Arts, outside Boston. He enjoyed 10 fabulous post-retirement years teaching and directing at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. He has acted in a performance of “Antigone,” and directed it. Twice.

Click here to see Roger discuss his upcoming class “Antigone: Alive!”

Click here to see a video of a discussion of Roger’s previous class, “Twelfth Night: Alive!”