ALL1127-HC First 6 Weeks Mondays 9:00-10:20 Start Date 11-Sept
Grossman 115 Limit 15
ALL1127-HZ First 6 Weeks Mondays 9:00-10:20 Start Date 11-Sept
Zoom Limit 10
I will briefly explain the science behind climate change, covering the carbon cycle, ocean currents, atmospheric wind patterns, and the greenhouse effect. Then we will determine our individual carbon footprints and discuss the myriad ways in which they can be reduced. The class will be a mix of lecture and discussion, so bring you climate questions and concerns. There is no text required, but I highly recommend “How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything” by Mike Berners-Lee. Please send me a brief introduction, which I will share with the others before class starts. You might mention why you are taking the class and what you hope to learn.
Text: There is no text required, but I highly recommend “How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything” by Mike Berners-Lee.
Assignment: Please send me a brief introduction, which I will share with the others before class starts. You might mention why you are taking the class and what you hope to learn.
Coordinator: Paul Coteus
Paul Coteus is a retired physicist and IBM Fellow. Starting with Rachael Carson in the 60’s, through the ozone crisis of the 80’s, and now the 21st century focus on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, Paul has kept an active interest in how our planet is responding to human impact.