ALL1340-Z First 6 Weeks Mondays 3:00-4:20 Start Date 29-Jan
Zoom Limit 25
This course will review wine from the grape, through winemaking, to the retail product and its storage. It will be global in scope touching on regional characteristics, the many varieties of grapes, and how to decide what to buy for oneself. The final session will be an optional early evening tasting event, at a local restaurant for a modest fee.
Coordinator: John Ward
John is a lifelong (adult) wine drinker and researcher, and has taught this course both at Snow Library (Orleans) and Eldredge Library (Chatham). He has a chemistry degree from Oxford University and has taught several ALL classes, particularly The Chemistry of Life and the World Around Us. He established the Nauset Newcomers Wine Aficionados in 2008, and it is still running.