ALL013-C 12 Weeks Tuesday 12:00-1:20 Start Date 28-Jan
Grossman 115 Limit 20
Great Books is a national reading and critical thinking program built around some of the best literature on this planet. One text provides numerous stories, both fiction and nonfiction. Once the reading process has been developed using shared inquiry and interpretation, interesting discussions will continue for the entire class on that one story! There is always room for everyone’s opinion as long as we can prove it with text examples.
Coordinator: Judith Egan 
Judy has been working with Great Books for over 20 years. Shared discussion, using higher-level thinking skills following Bloom’s Taxonomy 0f Critical Thinking to boost reading comprehension, is what makes Great Books exciting and fun. Judy is a Gifted/Talented educator, elementary, middle school and college teacher who enjoys Great Books. She loves the lively discussions and shared inquiry this program builds. All ages need Great Books!

Judy has been working with Great Books for over 20 years. Shared discussion, using higher-level thinking skills following Bloom’s Taxonomy 0f Critical Thinking to boost reading comprehension, is what makes Great Books exciting and fun. Judy is a Gifted/Talented educator, elementary, middle school and college teacher who enjoys Great Books. She loves the lively discussions and shared inquiry this program builds. All ages need Great Books!