ALL1417-C Second 6 Weeks Tuesday 9:00-10:20 Start Date 18-Mar
Grossman 106 Limit 25
This course discusses the social perception, status and treatment of older individuals. We will examine the perspective of social philosophers concerning age, psychosocial theories of aging, the heterochronic theory of age perception, treatment of older members of society by various cultures, the ageism concept of older individuals, personality structure and aging style biologically, psychologically and socioculturally. The concept of civilized behavior will be considered as it relates to the treatment of older individuals in contemporary culture. The course strives to create a better understanding of individual perceptions of older persons’ place in our society through a better understanding of how older individuals have been treated throughout history and in our own society. The course will consist of lectures and discussions, with significant interaction among class participants.
Coordinator: Jay Green
Jay has a master’s degree in sociology from Long Island University and teaching experience of over a decade as an adjunct professor at Connecticut State University, Post College and the Community College of Connecticut. Additionally, he has a background in business as a building services contractor for almost 40 years. He is currently a board member of the Town of Brewster Council on Aging, where his focus has been on grant applications and funding.